Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Miyakojima (宮古島) - Part 2

Back at the hotel... Amazing room, flowers on the balcony, the ocean in the distance... We paid for the whole trip as a package deal 3 months or so ago. This is the way to do it. By the time you get there you've forgotten exactly how much you paid, and the pain of paying has long since faded. Yes, I know this is irrational, but you should definitely try paying for a trip in advance. Trust me, it feels better that way. If you don't think this makes any sense read "Predictably Irrational" by Dan Ariely and then we'll talk.

That night we went to this open air village thing. They had a weird system where you sit at a table, look at the menu, and then walk to the booth to order. Than you sit back at your table until they call your number. Then you go get your food. And when you finish you have to take back your own trays. But the food was great, and Okinawan Orian Beer is great on a warm evening after a hot day. I had my 50mm f/1.4 which is wonderful for turning mundane scenes into beautiful photographic backgrounds.

The band was good too. They're call Harvesta (ハーバスタ) and you can find them on MySpace here. Apparently these guys are playing Osaka and Tokyo in the next few weeks. Check them out if you're in the area.

All images © 2010 by Jason Weddington, All Rights Reserved. No Use Without Written Permission. Contact me at the_wandering_eye [at] yahoo [dot] com for usage or licensing requests.

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